
What would be a simple implementation of a method to convert a String like "Hello there everyone" to "helloThereEveryone". In JavaME support for String and StringBuffer utility operations are quite limited.

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Quick primitive implementation. I have no idea of restrictions of J2ME, so I hope it fits or it gives some ideas...

String str = "Hello, there, everyone?";

StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(str.length());
String strl = str.toLowerCase();
boolean bMustCapitalize = false;
for (int i = 0; i < strl.length(); i++)
  char c = strl.charAt(i);
  if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
    if (bMustCapitalize)
      result.append(strl.substring(i, i+1).toUpperCase());
      bMustCapitalize = false;
    bMustCapitalize = true;

You can replace the convoluted uppercase append with:

result.append((char) (c - 0x20));

although it might seem more hackish.


With CDC, you have:

String.getBytes();//to convert the string to an array of bytes String.indexOf(int ch); //for locating the beginning of the words String.trim();//to remove spaces

For lower/uppercase you need to add(subtract) 32.

With these elements, you can build your own method.

private static String toCamelCase(String s) {
    String result = "";
    String[] tokens = s.split("_"); // or whatever the divider is
    for (int i = 0, L = tokens.length; i<L; i++) {
        String token = tokens[i];
        if (i==0) result = token.toLowerCase();
            result += token.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() +
                token.substring(1, token.length()).toLowerCase();
    return result;


May be if you can port one regexp library on J2ME, you could use it to strip spaces in your String...

Try following code

public static String toCamel(String str) {
    String rtn = str;
    rtn = rtn.toLowerCase();
    Matcher m = Pattern.compile("_([a-z]{1})").matcher(rtn);
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    while (m.find()) {
    rtn = sb.toString();
    return rtn;

I would suggest the following simple code:

    String camelCased = "";
    String[] tokens = inputString.split("\\s");
    for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
        String token = tokens[i];
        camelCased = camelCased + token.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + token.substring(1, token.length());
    return camelCased;

I would do it like this:

private String toCamelCase(String s) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    String[] x = s.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z]", " ").replaceAll("\\s+", " ")
            .trim().split(" ");

    for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
        if (i == 0) {
            x[i] = x[i].toLowerCase();
        } else {
            String r = x[i].substring(1);
            x[i] = String.valueOf(x[i].charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + r;

    return sb.toString();

check this

import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils;

String camel = WordUtils.capitalizeFully('I WANT TO BE A CAMEL', new char[]{' '});

return camel.replaceAll(" ", "");
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