
I am getting below error in my solr configuration.

Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Unable to use updateLog: _version_field must exist in schema, using indexed="true" stored="true" and multiValued="false" (_version_ does not exist)
        at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.<init>(
        at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.<init>(
        at org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer.createFromLocal(
        at org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer.create(
        ... 10 more
Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Unable to use updateLog: _version_field must exist in schema, using indexed="true" stored="true" and multiValued="false" (_version_ does not exist)
        at org.apache.solr.update.UpdateLog.init(
        at org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler.initLog(
        at org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler.<init>(
        at org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2.<init>(
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
        at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.createInstance(
        at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.createUpdateHandler(
        at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.<init>(
        ... 13 more
Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: _version_field must exist in schema, using indexed="true" stored="true" and multiValued="false" (_version_ does not exist)
        at org.apache.solr.update.VersionInfo.getAndCheckVersionField(
        at org.apache.solr.update.VersionInfo.<init>(
        at org.apache.solr.update.UpdateLog.init(
        ... 23 more

I wanted to know that what is _version_field, and why its must required ?

Can anybody suggest me on this??

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Solution 2

The _version_ field is an internal field that is used by the partial update procedure, the update log process, and by SolrCloud. It is only used internally for those processes, and simply providing the _version_ field in your schema.xml should be sufficient.

If you'd like information as to exactly what is going on with _version_, you can visit this website to learn about the "optimistic concurrency" update process, which uses _version_.


add the below field definition inside "field" tag in schema.xml

<field name="_version_" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false"/>

If you remove it, you must also remove the transaction logging from solrconfig.xml. See the link.

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