
I'm looking for a library which will enable me to visualize some xml entities I have, and manipulate them graphically (something similar to a UML design package, but simpler), like a cyclic flow graph.

Anybody have any ideas where I should start? Preferrably I would like something managed, but if it's easier to do a HTML+JS implementation or something that would be reasonable.

Basic requirements: - Visualizally draw a representation of a C#/XML class. - Allow to select it - Draw lines between two entities. - Perform operations would could remove/move or place it before another item in the graph.

Any help/direction you could give would be greatly appreciated.

Regards, Jamie

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Of those looked at, Microsoft GLEE definitely looks to be in the general direction of what I want. Easy to use, and auto-layouts, just need to configure it to business logic and it's done.

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