
I can't get adb to recognising my HTC Desire on my new upgrade of Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat.

adb devices shows

List of devices attached 
????????????    no permissions

Now, there are plenty of tutorials for changing rule files under /etc/udev/rules.d/. However, I cannot find one specific for 10.10.

Can anyone tell me whether the rule file name and content is the same as described at link text, or are we looking at some new settings for this new release?

Many thanks

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Solution 4

Okay, I guess the tutorials work, I created both 70-android.rules and 51-android.rules, re-typed them again (get rid of the funny quotes when you copy from the web).


And now it is recognised!


On Linux Mint/Ubuntu 11.04 with a Samsung Galaxy S2, I didn't use any rules, but when "reset adb" or when "Devices view" it shows:

???????????? no permissions

I had to :

sudo killall adb # if I don't, I get "error: insufficient permissions for device"
sudo ./adb usb

Then I was able to take screenshots following this tutorials:


My magic spell for Ubuntu 11.04:

$killall adb
$sudo adb usb
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
restarting in USB mode

Then go to eclipse and start debugging on real device

Ok I am a little late to the party but here is another approach...

Create a file called 51-android.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d with the following contents

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

Then run the following command to reload the udev rules ...

udevadm control --reload-rules

Now plug in your galaxy S2 mobile phone into the computer's USB port and run adb devices.

NOTE: You will need to change the vendor id (highlighted in bold) to match your phone's vendor id (in the OP's case it should be 0bb4 for HTC)

On windows, I had to download a Special App from HTC in order to get the proper USB drivers to connect to my Evo. The app in question allows you to synch your outlook contacts/calendar (weee...) with those on your phone. I rather doubt there's something similar available for ubuntu/Linux.

I strongly suspect you're up against a similar situation. The standard USB drivers don't work with HTC phones, so you need Something Else.

If this is something that stopped working with the upgrade, you'll need to take a close look at any USB-related changes.

Good luck.

Hi all i am very frustrated by checking all sides But one day i got the solution of this problem pls follow the following steps

First open your device terminal
1)on the top left hand corner in Application ->Accessories->terminal
2) on terminal window type following commands
   $ sudo su then press enter after that terminal want password which is set by you  
   in    installation or giving at the time of logging.
   $<Enter password> password is not shown but it is type internally you can just type 
    whole password 
   $ mkdir ~/.android
   $vi ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
   press ctri+z here
   $ echo "0x0451" > ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
   $cat /root/.android/adb_usb.ini
    $sudo mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb
   $cd path of android sdk tools from home
     like /home/tv-014/Desktop/newandroid/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools
   in my system i have put android-sdk-linux at desktop and in it one platform-tools 
   folder contain the adb.exe file
   so after cd command we have the path from home to platform-tools folder.
    $ ./adb kill-server
    $ ./adb start-server
    $ ./adb devices

Now you got the list of devices attach to your systems.

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