
I am running sidekiq as a Heroku worker as shown in the following Procfile:

 worker: bundle exec sidekiq -c 5 -v

I would like for it run on Ruby 1.9.3 instead of 1.9.1 as shown when running heroku logs -t. I have specified ruby "1.9.3" in the Gemfileand it even shows this when I run git push heroku master:

-----> Using Ruby version: ruby-1.9.3

Both the web and worker dynos appear to be running 1.9.1 according to heroku logs. Any help would be appreciated.

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Nothing to worry about. Bundler stores the gems in 1.9.1 for ruby 1.9.3. For more info, see here: Why are we installing Ruby 1.9.2/1.9.3 gems into a 1.9.1 folder?

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