
I've got a couple emacs keybindings as follows:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-,") 'beginning-of-buffer)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-.") 'end-of-buffer)

Recently, I realized these don't work in emacs-nox. Is it is possible to get them working, or is this just a limitation of emacs-nox?

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By popular demand:

It's probably a limitation of your terminal.

Most terminals I've used don't send any keycodes at all for C-, and C-..

You can check this by executing M-x describe-key (usually bound to C-h k), and then typing C-, and/or C-.. If Emacs does nothing when you hit the keys, it's your terminal.


On my emacs(21), \C-. and \C-, don't register as keyed. I use terminal through PuTTY. The default keybindings \M-< and \M-> works fine for me for beginning-of-buffer and end-of-buffer respectively.

So either use the default keys or set some other keys if your emacs-nox does not register them as keyed in.

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