
I have copied this question here from spring forum.

I have a parent flow and a child flow. The parent flow has following folder structure


This parent has following view-state

   <view-state id="parentState" view="parentView.xhtml">

Child flow looks like this:

<flow ...
    <view-state id="test">
        <transition on="bang" to="parentState"/>

The problem is when I hit 'bang' action of child flow it can't see parentView.xhtml view in parent flow. I get something like this: Code:

The requested resource (/spring/child?execution=e3s2) is not available.

If I copy parentView.xhtml into child's flow folder, everything works as a charm.

I wonder if it is a defect or it was designed to work like this? If it's a defect, then it worse opening JIRA ticket... This situation is quite common I think, for example in my case I have delete conformation screen (parent view-state) that is used in all pages where user is able to delete entities.

Was it helpful?


Workaround for the issue: One can specify relative path in view attribute. The example below works if you specify parent view like that:

<view-state id="parentState" view="../parent/parentView.xhtml">
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