
I have been searching through the internet for an answer to my question but I haven't found one. My problem is that I have column in my CGridView that contains a blob. My blob is a comment that is written by some users and can be edited. The comment can have a single sentence or can contain many paragraphs. In that case, I want to be sure that in my CGridView the separation between the paragraphs are visible.

For now, my CGridView is displaying the comment but doesn't respect the lineskips. How do I do that?

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'emptyText'=>'No data',
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Solution 2

Try the following for your column definition in the gridview:


This will convert line breaks to <br /> tags, which should solve your issue.


You can use the formatter 'ntext':

In this case, in the 'columns' array just add:

//short forme
  'name' => 'ch_comment',
  'type' => 'ntext'),
//long forme

you can try changing type=>'raw' to type=>'html'

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