
What's the easiest way to increase or decrease indentation for a large block of code in vi?

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In vim (not sure if this applies to you too), you use >> to indent one line. As with nearly every command in vim, type in a number before the command to perform is multiple times. So to indent the next 50 lines, type 50>>.



For a { } block I use the command: =iB (with the cursor inside the block to ident)

For re-identing a complete file, I use gg=G

Now for increase or decrease identation on a block, you have to select it (I use viB command) and then you do >> or << and if you want to repeat the identation just use the dot .

Also remember to set your identation settings with

:set shiftwidth=NUMOFSPACES


:set softtabstop=NUMOFSPACES

Mark it, then use > and <.

If your code is between curly braces, then put your cursor on one of the curly braces and use >% or <%.

Another useful command is, once you indent using '<' or '>', use '.' to repeat the command until it's lined up how you want it.

Also, you can look at for tips on this sort of thing.

By default in insert mode, you can use Ctrl-T and Ctrl-D to de-/intent the current line.

hit v to go into visual mode and arrow down so the whole block is selected then 12>>

use two angle-brackets ("<<" or ">>") for one line left or right by shiftwidth characters. You can do this with the common line-range indicators - ":m,n", brace/bracket/paren matching, etc.

Or "<", then a motion indicator, then another "<".

Or "<12<" shifts the next 12 lines left.


Will indent lines 50 through 100 once


Will indent lines 50 through 100 twice

also works with < and << etc.

First find the line numbers of the start and end lines using the Control-g command. Let these be m and n. Suppose we wish to indent line numbers m through n by 5 spaces. Then, the following command does the job,

:m,ns/^/     /g 

To decrease the indentation, first convert all tabs to (say 4) spaces.

:m,ns/\t/    /g

Then let's say we wish to remove 3 spaces from lines numbered m through n.

:m,ns/^   //g
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