
If you are using ASP.NET MVC how are you doing grid display? Rolled your own? Got a library from somewhere?

These are some of the known grid display solutions I have found for ASP.NET MVC

If you know of anything else that you are using or know to be good, please let me know.

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We have been using jqGrid on a project and have had some good luck with it. Lots of options for inline editing, etc. If that stuff isn't necessary, then we've just used a plain foreach loop like @Hrvoje.


We use Slick Grid in Stack Exchange Data Explorer (example containing 2000 rows).

I found it outperforms jqGrid and flexigrid. It has a very complete feature set and I could not recommend it enough.

Samples of its usage are here.

You can see source samples on how it is integrated to an ASP.NET MVC app here:

We have just rolled our own due to limited functionality requirements on our grids. We use some JQuery here and there for some niceties like pagination and that is all we really need.

If you need something a little more fully featured you could check out ExtJs grids here.

Also MvcContrib has a grid implementation that you could check out - try here. Or more specifically here.

I just discovered Telerik has some great components, including Grid, and they are open source too.

If it's just for viewing data, I use simple foreach or even aspRepeater. For editing I build specialized views and actions. Didn't like webforms GridView inline edit capabilities anyway, this is kinda much clearer and better - one view for viewing and another for edit/new.

jqGrid is $299 if you use a special version that has server side integration, but it really is not that difficult to use the open source free version with ASP.NET MVC, once you get your jquery configuration straight it's almost as simple to use as any other licensed grid:

You can use also the Insert/update/delete datagrid of my MVC Controls Toolkit available here on codeplex: Here you can download a complete example, here the datagrid working and here and here tutorials. The DataGrid works completely client side and mantains thechange set between posts. Yes it mantains Changeset, this means, you can access both old version and modified version of each record to see what changes to pass to the DB(what need to be modified deleted or inserted). This Changeset is mantained after several posts till you either confirm or cancel the modifications on the server side.

If it is read-only a good idea would be to create a table, then apply some really easy-but-powerful JQuery to that.

For simple alternative colour, try this simple JQuery.

If you need sorting, this JQuery plug-in simply rocks.

I tried the example here of the Mvc Controls Toolkit grid. It appears a quite powerful and easy to use grid. The tutorial not only explain how to use the grid but also how to do paging, organize a view model and data annotations. It is worth to read it.

Try: It's basically a MVC-compliant jQuery Grid wrapper with full .Net support

Check out the grid from Infragistics jQuery controls

Here is a ASP.NET MVC sample with code:

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