
I am new with liftweb and scala. I am developing json-rest api for rss agregator and I have two problems:

package my.domain

import net.liftweb.http._
import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST._
import net.liftweb.common.{Box,Full,Empty,Failure,ParamFailure}

import my.domain.model.{RssItem}

object ContentRest extends RestHelper {
 def getFirstRssItem = {
  val item = RssItem.find(ByField(RssItem.title, "test"))
 serve {
     case "api" :: "static" :: _ XmlGet _=> <b>Static</b>
     case "api" :: "static" :: _ JsonGet _ => JString("string")

I get errors on both first and second lines of getFirstRssItem method:

First is that compiler can't find ByField method - what i need to import?

Second is that compiler says it can't find method title in item val. According to liftweb wiki I may call field's name as method but item has the type Box[my.domain.model.RssItem]. What am I doing wrong? RssItem model:

package my.domain.model

import net.liftweb.mapper._

class RssItem extends KeyedMapper[Long, RssItem] {

    def getSingleton = RssItem

    def primaryKeyField = id
    object id extends MappedLongIndex(this)
    object title extends MappedString(this, 255)
    object description extends MappedText(this)
    object pubDate extends MappedDateTime(this)

object RssItem extends RssItem with KeyedMetaMapper[Long, RssItem] {
    def dbTable = "items"
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As Debilski points out, find() return a Box[RssItem] which is Empty if there are no items or Full(item) if an item was found, so getting the title requires a map() or using the for comprehension (which is syntactic sugar on map/flatMap/filter).

In terms of your query, you want By() rather than ByField(). I've cleaned up your code so it compiles:

object ContentRest extends RestHelper {
  def getFirstRssItemTitle = {
    for {
      item <- RssItem.find(By(RssItem.title, "test"))
    } yield item.title

  serve {
    case "api" :: "static" :: _ XmlGet _=> 
    for {
      title <- getFirstRssItemTitle ?~ "No RSS data"
    } yield <b>{title}</b>

Note that if there are no items in the database, then you'll return a 404 with "No RSS data" in the body (rather than a null pointer exception.)

I hope this helps.


Wondering whether you can try using net.liftweb.mapper.By (instead of ByField), something like ...

import net.liftweb.mapper.By

val item = RssItem.find(By(RssItem.title, "test")

Find returns a Box, (which you can use just like Option,) because it is not clear whether an actual element can be found.

Instead of item.title, you would write something like openOr "untitled" gives you a Box of the title which either contains the title or is empty (in case no item was found). Without a Box, you’d have a Null error there. openOr then either returns the contents of the Box or specified default value.

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