
I cant seem to get IE6 and IE7 running alongside each other on my Windows Server 2003 VPC.

I have tried both: and: , and yes, I tried putting the Wininet.dll in my standalone path.

The browser works, but cookies does not! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I am aware of the VPC Microsoft has supplied, but i am trying to avoid that solution as well, since I am developing on another VPC (and this is not something thats about to change, one reason being that these VPCs are time-limited), and I would like to keep the benefits of developing on the same machine I am testing on, ie: I dont want to redeploy my entire solution every time I want to check my updates.

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All of those methods are hacks and not guaranteed to work. You may be missing things in your testing due to unknown side-effects. Why not just use the VPC as explained in this article: IE6 and IE7 Running on a Single Machine.

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