
Let's say I wanted to showcase 2-3 clickable buttons on my homepage which will be there permanently. These are links to the css, html, and javascript tag listing pages.

Is it fine to just hardcode href=/tags/css and href=/tags/html right in my django templates/view?

I won't change them for at least a year or so, meaning I don't think I need to add a column to the tags table to distinguish them - is this common or should I try to make it somewhat dynamic? These tags are in a table but so are 1000 other tags.

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Just remember to document that you did it in some place obvious, like in tagging/, or maybe you have an equivalent of my When_Peter_Gets_Hit_By_A_Bus.txt, in which I document all of these types of optimizations. No, I really do have a file like that for each of my customers.

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