
I tend to make an implicit assumption that getters are little more than an access control wrapper around an otherwise fairly lightweight set of instructions to return a value (or set of values).

As a result, when I find myself writing longer and more processor-consumptive setters as I am doing at the moment, I feel Perhaps this is not the smartest move. In calling a getter in my own code (in particular let's refer to C# where there is a syntactical difference between method vs. getter calls), then I make an implicit assumption that these are lightweight -- when in fact that may well not be the case.

What's the general consensus on this? Use of other people's libraries aside, do you write heavy getters? Or do you tend to treat heavier getters as "full methods"?

PS. Due to language differences, I expect there'll be quite a number of different thoughts on this...

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True. Getters should either access a simple member, or should compute and cache a derived value and then return the cached value (subsequent gets without interleaved sets should merely return that value). If I have a function that is going to do a lot of computation, then I name it computeX, not getX.


From MSDN:

Property Usage Guidelines

Use a method when:

  • The operation is expensive enough that you want to communicate to the user that they should consider caching the result.the result.

And also:

Choosing Between Properties and Methods

Do use a method, rather than a property, in the following situations.

  • The operation is orders of magnitude slower than a field set would be. If you are even considering providing an asynchronous version of an operation to avoid blocking the thread, it is very likely that the operation is too expensive to be a property. In particular, operations that access the network or the file system (other than once for initialization) should most likely be methods, not properties.

Property getters are intended to retrieve a value. So when developers call them, there is an expectation that the call will return (almost) immediately with a value. If that expectation cannot be met, it is better to use a method instead of a property.

All in all, very few of my methods are so expensive in terms of time that it would matter based on the guidelines as posted by Thomas. But the thing is that generally calls to a getter should not affect that state of the class. I have no problem writing a getter that actually runs a calculation when called though.

In general, I write short, efficient ones. But you might have complex ones -- you need to consider how the getter will be used. And if it is an external API, you don't have any control how it is used - so shoot for efficiency.

I would agree with this. It is useful to have calculated properties for example for things like Age based on DateOfBirth. But I would avoid complex logic like having to go to a database just to calculate the value of an object's property. Use method in that case.

My opinion is that getter should be lightweight, but again as you say there is a broad definition of "lightweight", adding a logger is fine for tracing purpose, and probably some cache logic too and database/web service retrieval .. ouch. your getter is already considered heavy. Getter are syntaxic sugar like setters, I consider that method are more flexible because of the simplicity of using them asynchronously.

But there is no expectation set for your getter performance (maybe try to mention it in the cough documentation ), as it could be trying to retrieve fresh values from slow source. Others are certainly considering getter for simple objects, but as your object could be a proxy for your backend object, I really see not point too set performance expectations as it helps you makes the code more readable and more maintainable.

So my answer would be, "it depends", mainly on the level of abstraction of your object ( short logic for low level object as the value should probably be calculated on the setter level, long ones for hight level ).

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