
Developing a callback-driven API, I would like to express that a certain function as to be called with a specific set of parameters and “any” function (the callback).

Jasmine can do the following:

var serviceFunction = jasmine.createSpy();
var functionUnderTest = create(serviceFunction);
var thing = 'arbitrary/thing'

expect(serviceFunction).toHaveBeenCalledWith(thing, jasmine.any(Function));

Have sinon/buster.js similar capabilities? So far I’m testing only the first argument, but I’d really like to express the need for a callback in the test.

This is what I have so far:

var serviceFunction = this.spy(); // or `sinon.spy()`
var functionUnderTest = create(serviceFunction);
var thing = 'arbitrary/thing'

assert.calledWith(serviceFunction, thing);
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You should check out the sinon.match api (

Using sinon.match.func your example above would become:

var serviceFunction = this.spy(); // or `sinon.spy()`
var functionUnderTest = create(serviceFunction);
var thing = 'arbitrary/thing'

assert.calledWith(thing, sinon.match.func);
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