
I would like to create a web project using Maven 2 + Struts 1. Would someone provide me some tutorial or a website outlining the steps? Thank you. ;)

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There is a Struts 1 Blank Archetype for Maven 2:

$ mvn archetype:create                                \
      -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.struts            \
      -DarchetypeArtifactId=struts-archetype-blank    \
      -DarchetypeVersion=1.3.5                        \
      -DgroupId=com.example                           \
      -DpackageName=com.example.projectname           \


In case you need additional information on obtaining the struts-archetype-blank archetype:

Step #1

The struts-archetype-blank archetype is no longer in the default Maven2 repository. Therefore you have to check it out manually from

Step #2

Build the struts-archetype-blank-1.3.5-SNAPSHOT.jar file: mvn install.

Step #3

Install the archetype:

mvn install:install-file

Step #4

Create your Struts1 Maven2 project (as Pascal Thivent pointed):

mvn archetype:create

Good Luck!

Are you searching for a tutorial on Maven 2 or on Struts ? mvn archetype:generate should be your friend. Take a look into the docs about archetype.

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