
sorting in dataviewwebpart only sorting within display items. Paging is enabled to display 10 items per page. Also, How do I put 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, (next, previous) for the paging?

They give you dataview wp but looks like it's also limited. I wish it had more capabilities like gridview. Anyone????

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Here is how I solved this issue.

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Campaign Members">
<%# RemoveCharacters(Eval("CampaignMembers").ToString())%> 

C# code:

// Make sure declare using System.Text.RegularExpression; 
protected string RemoveCharacters(object String) 
    string s1 = String.ToString(); 
    string newString = Regex.Replace(s1, @"#[\d-];", string.Empty); 
    newString = Regex.Replace(newString, "#", " "); 
    return newString.ToString(); 
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