
I've always had a thing for C++/CLI. Maybe because not many developers use it... or just because it's different.

Suppose Microsoft fully supported C++/CLI as they do VB.NET and C# (ie. LINQ, WPF, etc.). Would you use it?

If not, why?

Was it helpful?


I do use it. Even with the relative lack of tool support, it still beats raw P/Invoke for dealing with Win32.

As for LINQ, i don't really care to see too much more hacked into the C++ language. LINQ is usable enough as-is - if they're gonna enhance the compiler, they should work on C++ 0x support...


It's all about using the right tool for the right job. I use C++/CLI for platform interop work because it's much easier to get the marshaling correct. I use C# for almost all other .NET work, with some VB.Net (I like the inline XML). I admit I haven't learned IronRuby, IronPython, F#, or any other .NET language yet, but I'm seriously considering it just to increase my programming arsenal.

To answer the question, I don't think I'd use it anymore than I already do because I feel I already use it for the jobs it fits best. C# is still the best .NET language as I see it because it was specifically designed for that platform, rather than shoehorning an older language to fit it. Adding better support for C++/CLI would only decrease my development time, rather than sway my usage from another language.

C++/CLI delivers very effectively on the promise of uniting Managed and Unmanaged code. It lets you expose what feels like a perfectly native C# library with 100% access to native C++/libraries "on the inside". It's not an exercise in elegance but in the history of practical programming tools what compares?

If you need LINQ and WPF, just use C#. That's the beauty of C++/CLI: write your Managed wrapper and then go back to C#. I don't see C++/CLI intending to replace C# for day to day use.

...but I'm not entirely clear on what C++/CLI offers that C# does not. -- @Thomas Owens

One huge benefit (in my book) is RAII (see the answer given by Adam Wright to my question regarding RAII in .NET).

Perhaps...but I'm not entirely clear on what C++/CLI offers that C# does not. Pointers, perhaps? I've done all of my .NET programming (the little I've done) in C#, and I'm starting to learn F#, but if it was fully supported and well documented, sure, I would give it a go.

I am mixing C++/CLI with MFC to take advantage of the WPF and XAML, but I am using the new C++ 2008 feature pack -- free ribbon components. :)

I would not use it because I don't want to be tied to a huge run-time. And I don't like all those ^ pointer thingys :)

I do like/miss the great library that .NET offers though.

I use it to support legacy code as well as writing shims between managed and native code. Love that VS11 supports it much better

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