
Trying to backup our database using Perl cron job on Rackspace Sites.

Rackspace gives an example of:

mysqldump -h DB_HOST -u DB_USER -p'DB_PASSWORD' DB_NAME > YOUR_WEB_ROOT/db_backup.sql
gzip -f YOUR_WEB_ROOT/db_backup.sql

That works fine but I want a timestamp put into the filename. I have this bit of code that generates the timestamp:

use strict;
use warnings;
use DateTime;

my $dt   = DateTime->now;
my $date = $dt->ymd;
my $time = $dt->hms;

my $file = "****.com/db_backups/db_backup - $date $time.sql";

print $file;

The final Product:

use strict;
use warnings;
use DateTime;

my $dt   = DateTime->now;
my $date = $dt->ymd;
my $time = $dt->hms;

my $file = "****.com/db_backups/db_backup - $date $time.sql";

print $file;

mysqldump -h hosturl -u username -p'password' database > $file;
gzip -f $file;

When it runs I get these errors.

/mnt/stor09-wc1-ord1/758094/****.com/ line 2: use: command not found
/mnt/stor09-wc1-ord1/758094/****.com/ line 3: use: command not found
/mnt/stor09-wc1-ord1/758094/****.com/ line 4: use: command not found
/mnt/stor09-wc1-ord1/758094/****.com/ line 5: my: command not found
/mnt/stor09-wc1-ord1/758094/****.com/ line 6: my: command not found
/mnt/stor09-wc1-ord1/758094/****.com/ line 7: my: command not found
/mnt/stor09-wc1-ord1/758094/****.com/ line 8: my: command not found
/mnt/stor09-wc1-ord1/758094/****.com/ line 9: print: command not found
/mnt/stor09-wc1-ord1/758094/****.com/ line 10: $file: ambiguous redirect
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Solution 2

todaysdate=`date +%F`
mysqldump -h DB_HOST -u DB_USER -p'DB_PASSWORD' DB_NAME > YOUR_WEB_ROOT/db_backup.sql
gzip -f YOUR_WEB_ROOT/${todaysdate}db_backup.sql

Fill in the DB_HOST etc like you would normally

No perl required, this is all shell script


The problem is that you're mixing Perl (your timestamp code) and Shell Script (your sample code)...

You can use backticks if you want to execute the shell code:

#!/usr/bin/perl <---- or whatever is your path to perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use DateTime;

my $dt   = DateTime->now;
my $date = $dt->ymd;
my $time = $dt->hms;

my $file = "****.com/db_backups/db_backup - $date $time.sql";

print $file;

`mysqldump -h hosturl -u username -p'password' database > $file;`
`gzip -f $file;`

Besides backticks, you can also use system() or exec

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