
I am trying to terminate setIntreval that refresh my page. But cleareIntreval() not work for me.

I have

 $chatInterval = setInterval(function(){
$.post('user/home/show_conversation.php',{ f_id : userID},function(ajaxCevap){

        $('#chatbox').scrollTop = $('#chatbox').scrollHeight;



And when I click button I use clearInterval($chatInterval); But is says that $chatInterval not defined. yes Those are in different function scope.How can I declare common variable setInterval?

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Solution 2

I solved it deleting $ element from

    chatInterval = setInterval(function(){
$.post('user/home/show_conversation.php',{ f_id : userID},function(ajaxCevap){

        $('#chatbox').scrollTop = $('#chatbox').scrollHeight;



Now I can call it in any function.


You have a typo there, and make sure the variable you created $chatInterval is in the scope of the location you call clearInterval() from.


If you need to declare the variable in a scope accessible to both, either declare it at the top-level or store it on an element somewhere using the .data() method of jQuery:

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