
I am sending a request with POST data to a web server. The web server returns with JSON response in case of an error or the file data itself if there are no errors.

I would like to track the progress of the file data response. My code is based on the the sample code from ASIHttpRequest Tutorial

ASIFormDataRequest *request = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:url];

[request setPostValue:someValue forKey:@"someKey"];
[request setPostValue:someOtherValue forKey:@"someOtherKey"];
[request setShowAccurateProgress:YES];
[request setDownloadProgressDelegate:aProgressView];

request.delegate = self;
[request startSynchronous];

Nothing happens until the complete response is there, in which case the progress bar fills up completely.

I experimented with both synchronous and asynchronous requests.

I guess the download progress delegate does not work, because I am not downloading a file per se, but just receiving the HTTP response to the request, right? What would be the correct approach to monitor the progress in this case?

Thanks in advance...

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Are you running this code in the main thread?

If so the reason the progress doesn't update is that using a synchronous request will be blocking the main thread, preventing UI updates from happening.

The best fix for that is to use an asynchronous request - you mentioned you've tried that, what happened?


Print http response and check if you have Content-Length. If not, or it's 0 that's the problem.

NSLog(@"Response headers %@",[request responseHeaders]);
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