
I have downloaded eclipse 3.4 (java version) for MacOSX (carbon). I have tried to 'update' to the erlide, but see many (duplicated) options (many erlide, options that say 'only for erl SDK updates', etc.) Sometimes I get 403 errors when attempting to access and

Finally, when I get some set of options installed, I either get errors like :

Loading of /Users/kevindtimm/Documents/eclipse-java-ganymede-SR2-macosx-carbon/eclipse/plugins/org.erlide.kernel.common_0.8.1.201005250801/ebin/erlide_kernel_common.beam failed: badfile
=ERROR REPORT==== 24-Nov-2010::19:17:32 ===
beam/beam_load.c(1768): Error loading function erlide_kernel_common:monitor/0: op put_string u u x:
  please re-compile this module with an R14B compiler 

or, when I've done different installations of erlide, I get no response in the console to :


Does anybody have a good reference for how to load this plug-in and which items I should install?

hello() -> io:write("Hello World\n").


I have installed eclipse 3.6 (c++) as requested below, and the following code still can't find hello:hello().


%% Include files

%% Exported Functions

%% API Functions

%% Local Functions
hello() -> io:write("Hello World\n").


Was it helpful?


It might be a little late for you, but maybe for others my set up might avoid some frustrations.

I have OSX 10.6.5, 64-bit and Erlang R14B installed.

After several false starts, I found the following worked:

  • Download the C++ version of Eclipse (I use the latest Helios, 64-bit, OSX)
  • Once extracted, start Eclipse
  • Open Help | Eclipse Marketplace (wait whilst it fetches data)
  • Type erlide into the search field and click Go
  • Proceed to install by following the instructions
  • Restart Eclipse after installing plugins (always a good idea)

Next, define an Erlang runtime, because this is not picked up automatically:

  • Open Eclipse preferences
  • Expand the Erlang entry shown on the left-hand side (do not select Erlang)
  • In the expanded list click on the Installed Runtimes entry
  • Define your runtime as appropriate
  • Restart Eclipse

Failure to do the above steps first, (i.e. opening a different Erlang preferences pane) causes an internal UI error inside Eclipse, that prevents you from closing the dialog. Thus, forcing you to kill Eclipse.

Finally, it is necessary to define a launch configuration before you can run your Erlang code inside Eclipse:

  • Open Run | Run Configurations
  • Select Erlang application
  • Add new launch configuration
  • Enter a name for the application
  • On the Erlang tab:
  • Check required project
  • On the Runtimes tab:
  • Make sure node is defined as erlide
  • Check "Start the Erlang node if not already running
  • Click apply

Anyway, I hope it helps somebody out there.

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