
What is a Zend View Filter? I see them mentioned in the ZF1 documentation,, and in the Zend_View code, but I can't find an explanation for them.

Perhaps it is to support other templating systems which have filters? In that case, what do the filters do in these templating systems?


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here is an example of a Zend View Filter:

It filters found mailto links and obfuscates them.

A Zend View Filter does something on an already rendered phtml file (= html code) before it is send to the client.

It's a Zend_Filter that can be used on the Zend View output.

Here is another example with code from:

The filter class (filters whitespaces from html = less code to send):

class App_View_Filter_Minify implements Zend_Filter_Interface
    public function filter($string)
        return preg_replace(
            array('/>\s+/', '/\s+</', '/[\r\n]+/'),
            array('>', '<', ' '),

And then adding the filter to the view:

 * Add Output filters to View
 * @return void
protected function _initViewFilter()
    $view = $this->getResource('view');
    $view->addFilterPath('App/View/Filter', 'App_View_Filter_')
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