
I have a C code that uses libpq-fe.h for connecting into a postgresql database. Locally it runs well and everything but now we are trying to use it in a QT existing project. Why not using the qpsql driver instead? Well, the program itself is in plain c++ but we just use QT as an extra help for programmiing so the question is... How can I tell QT to link the code with the header against the libpq-fe.h? We tried adding the path like LIBS += -I/usr/include/postgresql and LIBS += -lpq but without results... We also tried adding the CPPFLAGS to the makefile as the documentations says but when recompiling, the program recreates the makefile so it's no use Suggestions?

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Try this.

INCLUDEPATH += -I"/usr/include/postgres"
LIBS += -L"[directory to postgres library files]" -lpq
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