
Is routine2 ok too or shouldn't I do this? (I don't need a copy of @list in the subroutine)

use 5.012;
use warnings;
my @list = 0 .. 9;

sub routine1 {
    my $list = shift;
    for (@$list) { $_++ };
    return $list
my $l = routine1( \@list );
say "@$l";

sub routine2 {
    for (@list) { $_++ };
say "@list";
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If it works for you, then it's ok too. But the first sub can do the job for any array you pass to it which makes it more general.

P.S. Remember that @_ contains aliases for the parameters passed to the function. So you could also use this:

sub increment { $_++ for @_ }


If you're worried about making the syntax look nice, try this:

sub routine3 (\@) {
  for (@{$_[0]}) { $_++ }

my @list = (0 .. 9);
say "@list"; # prints 1 .. 10

This declares routine3 with a prototype - it takes an array argument by reference. So $_[0] is a reference to @list, no rather unsightly \ needed by the caller. (Some people discourage prototypes, so take this as you will. I like them.)

But unless this is a simplification for what your actual routine does, what I'd do is this:

my @list = 0 .. 9;
my @new_list = map { $_ + 1 } @list;
say "@new_list";

Unless routine is actually really complicated, and it's vital somehow that you modify the original array, I'd just use map. Especially with map, you can plug in a subroutine:

sub complex_operation { ... }

my @new_list = map { complex_operation($_) } @list;

Of course, you could prototype complex_operation with (_) and then just write map(complex_operation, @list); but I like the bracket-syntax personally.

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