
I am trying to have a user upload a picture that has been chosen with filepicker and then edited with aviary. I can get the new url for the image when it is saved, but I am unsure of how to get it to persist (i.e. I would like this url to remain permanent so I can save it in a database and constantly use the image). Is there a way to do this? Thank you for your help. Here is my code now:

$(function()  {
  var a=new Aviary.Feather({

        tools: 'all',
        initTool: 'crop',
        cropPresets: [['Square','1:1']],
        onSave: function(imageID, newURL) {

  ,{},function(new_fpfile) {



            //used to store the url, but I assume this url is temporary
                      "/aviary_store.php", // The server URL
                      { aviary_id : newURL }, // Data you want to pass to the server.
                      function(json) {

                        var aviary_url = json[0];



        onError:function(a){},appendTo:"editpane"});filepicker.setKey(server_vars.apikey);$(".openbutton").click(function(){filepicker.pick({mimetype:'image/*'},function(b){var c=$('<img id="#editimage"/>');c.attr("src",b.url);$(".editpane").empty().append(c);a.launch({image:c[0],url:b.url});});});});  
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The best way is to use filepicker.storeUrl, which will take the contents of the saved aviary image and download it for permanent storage on your S3

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