
I tried this: Capitalize a string. Can anybody provide a simple script/snippet for guideline?

Python documentation has capitalize() function which makes first letter capital. I want something like make_nth_letter_cap(str, n).

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Capitalize n-th character and lowercase the rest as capitalize() does:

def capitalize_nth(s, n):
    return s[:n].lower() + s[n:].capitalize()


my_string[:n] + my_string[n].upper() + my_string[n + 1:]

Or a more efficient version that isn't a Schlemiel the Painter's algorithm:

''.join([my_string[:n], my_string[n].upper(), my_string[n + 1:]])
x = "string"
y = x[:3] + x[3].swapcase() + x[4:]  




Keep in mind that swapcase will invert the case whether it is lower or upper.
I used this just to show an alternate way.

I know it's an old topic but this might be useful to someone in the future:

def myfunc(str, nth):
new_str = '' #empty string to hold new modified string
for i,l in enumerate(str): # enumerate returns both, index numbers and objects
    if i % nth == 0: # if index number % nth == 0 (even number)
        new_str += l.upper() # add an upper cased letter to the new_str
    else: # if index number nth
        new_str += l # add the other letters to new_str as they are
return new_str # returns the string new_str

A simplified answer would be:

    def make_nth_letter_capital(word, n):
        return word[:n].capitalize() + word[n:].capitalize()
def capitalize_n(string, n):
return string[:n] + string[n].capitalize() + string[n+1:]

This works perfect

You can use:

def capitalize_nth(text, pos):
    before_nth = text[:pos]
    n = text[pos].upper()
    new_pos = pos+1
    after_nth = text[new_pos:]
    word = before_nth + n + after_nth

capitalize_nth('McDonalds', 6)

The outcome is:


I think this is the simplest among every answer up there...

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