
Ive got a painting model. votes is embedded into painting. How can i query all paintings and order by the number of votes? IN theory, I would like to list down all paintings starting with the ones with the most votes.

For reference purposes. Here is the definition of the two models:

class Painting
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Timestamps

  field :title, :type => String

  embeds_many :votes

class Vote
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Timestamps

  embedded_in :painting, :inverse_of => :votes
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You can do it by using counter cache column. Once you implement this functionality like mentioned here:, paintings table will contain votes_count column which holds the number of votes for each painting

Then you can easily add named_scope in your painting.rb model to order paintings by number of votes:

class Painting
  named_scope :order_by_maximum_votes, :order => "votes_count DESC"

Then you can fetch all paintings like this way:

@paintings = Painting.all.order_by_maximum_votes


If you still don't want to use add one more column in database, you can have another simple option. Fetch all paintings from database and then sort them by votes count:

# It fetches all paintings needed
@paintings = Painting.all
# Then sort them by number of votes
@paintings = @paintings.sort {|p| p.votes.length}
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