
I want to use pprint for printing some complex lists, see the example below:

>>> x = [OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'clci-2'), (u'R', u'1691')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'dallas-pcc-1'), (u'R', u'5498')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'gx-1'), (u'R', u'2275')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'gx-2'), (u'R', u'0')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'ocs-1'), (u'R', u'31735')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'ocs-2'), (u'R', u'0')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'pcc-gx-1'), (u'R', u'46351')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'rgx-1'), (u'R', u'907')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'rgx-2'), (u'R', u'1010')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'rocs-1'), (u'R', u'915')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'rocs-2'), (u'R', u'1033')])]
>>> pprint.pprint(x)
[OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'clci-2'), (u'R', u'1691')]),
 OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'dallas-pcc-1'), (u'R', u'5498')]),
 OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'gx-1'), (u'R', u'2275')]),
 OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'gx-2'), (u'R', u'0')]),
 OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'ocs-1'), (u'R', u'31735')]),
 OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'ocs-2'), (u'R', u'0')]),
 OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'pcc-gx-1'), (u'R', u'46351')]),
 OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'rgx-1'), (u'R', u'907')]),
 OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'rgx-2'), (u'R', u'1010')]),
 OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'rocs-1'), (u'R', u'915')]),
 OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'rocs-2'), (u'R', u'1033')])]

This is fine, except that I want to remove all type name(OrderedDict & u) and all unnecessary []. Is it possible with pprint?

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You'd need to create your own subclass of the pprint.PrettyPrinter class, and override the .format() method:

from pprint import PrettyPrinter, _recursion

class MyPrettyPrinter(PrettyPrinter):
    def format(self, object, context, maxlevels, level):
        if isinstance(object, OrderedDict):
            if not object:
                return "()", True, False

            objid = id(object)
            if maxlevels and level >= maxlevels:
                return "(...)", False, objid in context
            if objid in context:
                return _recursion(object), False, True
            context[objid] = 1
            readable = True
            recursive = False
            components = []
            append = components.append
            level += 1
            selfformat = self.format
            for k, v in sorted(object.items()):
                krepr, kreadable, krecur = selfformat(k, context, maxlevels, level)
                vrepr, vreadable, vrecur = selfformat(v, context, maxlevels, level)
                append('({}, {})'.format(krepr, vrepr))
                readable = readable and kreadable and vreadable
                if krecur or vrecur:
                    recursive = True
            del context[objid]
            return '({})'.format(', '.join(components)), readable, recursive

        formatted, readable, recursion = PrettyPrinter.format(self, object, context, maxlevels, level)
        if isinstance(object, unicode):
            formatted = formatted.lstrip('u')

        return formatted, readable, recursion

We let the base class do most of the work and only format the OrderedDict explicitly; it has a custom __repr__ which means that the original pprint implementation just uses that instead of recursing over it.

Then use this class instead of direct calls to pprint.pprint():

mypprint = MyPrettyPrinter()


This produces:

>>> mypprint = MyPrettyPrinter()
>>> mypprint.pprint(x)
[(('D-ID', 'clci-2'), ('R', '1691')),
 (('D-ID', 'dallas-pcc-1'), ('R', '5498')),
 (('D-ID', 'gx-1'), ('R', '2275')),
 (('D-ID', 'gx-2'), ('R', '0')),
 (('D-ID', 'ocs-1'), ('R', '31735')),
 (('D-ID', 'ocs-2'), ('R', '0')),
 (('D-ID', 'pcc-gx-1'), ('R', '46351')),
 (('D-ID', 'rgx-1'), ('R', '907')),
 (('D-ID', 'rgx-2'), ('R', '1010')),
 (('D-ID', 'rocs-1'), ('R', '915')),
 (('D-ID', 'rocs-2'), ('R', '1033'))]


>>> import pprint
>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> x = [OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'clci-2'), (u'R', u'1691')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'dallas-pcc-1'), (u'R', u'5498')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'gx-1'), (u'R', u'2275')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'gx-2'), (u'R', u'0')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'ocs-1'), (u'R', u'31735')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'ocs-2'), (u'R', u'0')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'pcc-gx-1'), (u'R', u'46351')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'rgx-1'), (u'R', u'907')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'rgx-2'), (u'R', u'1010')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'rocs-1'), (u'R', u'915')]), OrderedDict([(u'D-ID', u'rocs-2'), (u'R', u'1033')])]
>>> print pprint.pformat(x).replace("OrderedDict([", "(") \
                           .replace("u'", "'") \
                           .replace("])", ")")

[(('D-ID', 'clci-2'), ('R', '1691')),
 (('D-ID', 'dallas-pcc-1'), ('R', '5498')),
 (('D-ID', 'gx-1'), ('R', '2275')),
 (('D-ID', 'gx-2'), ('R', '0')),
 (('D-ID', 'ocs-1'), ('R', '31735')),
 (('D-ID', 'ocs-2'), ('R', '0')),
 (('D-ID', 'pcc-gx-1'), ('R', '46351')),
 (('D-ID', 'rgx-1'), ('R', '907')),
 (('D-ID', 'rgx-2'), ('R', '1010')),
 (('D-ID', 'rocs-1'), ('R', '915')),
 (('D-ID', 'rocs-2'), ('R', '1033'))]

Adjust the replaces to your needs, I think this looks clean enough

If it's just for printing some dict and list stuff (or stuff from classes inheriting from them), you would be better off using some other serialization, e.g., JSON:

import json
print json.dumps(obj)
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