
I have below code in c#, where I am trying to generate xml.

foreach (Component compCategories in categories)
    GenerateXML(xml, compCategories);

private void GenerateXML(XmlWriter xml, Component compCategory)

    xml.WriteAttributeString("id", compCategory.Id.ItemId.ToString());

string order = compCategory.Title;

    xml.WriteAttributeString("order", order);
    Component detailCategory = compCategory.ComponentValue("Detail");
    if (detailCategory != null)
        xml.WriteAttributeString("detail", detailCategory.Id.ItemId.ToString());
    Component catArtwork = compCategory.ComponentValue("Artwork");
    if (catArtwork != null)
        Component summaryArtwork = catArtwork.ComponentValue("Summary");
        if (summaryArtwork != null)
            String CatImageUrl = PublishBinary(summaryArtwork);
            xml.WriteAttributeString("image", CatImageUrl);
    xml.WriteElementString("title", compCategory.StringValue("Title").ToString());
    xml.WriteElementString("summary", compCategory.StringValue("Summary").ToString());
    xml.WriteElementString("linktext", compCategory.StringValue("Linktext").ToString());

How can I sorting xml rendering on the basis of "order" (highlighted above) attribute value, I am not going to use XSLT, however LINQ is fine.

Please suggest!!


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Solution 2

Sort your list before calling Generatexml() :

foreach (Component compCategories in categories.OrderBy(c => c.Title).ToList())
    GenerateXML(xml, compCategories);


Could you sort your collection before generating the XML?

var ordered = categories.OrderBy(cat=>cat.Title);
foreach (Component compCategories in ordered)
    GenerateXML(xml, compCategories);
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