
So I am trying to access a jquery soundmanager variable from one script (wpaudio.js – from the wp-audio plugin) inside of another (init.js – my own javascript). I am creating an alternate pause/play button higher up on the page and need to resume the current soundID, which is contained as part of a class name in the DOM.

Here is the code that creates that class name in wpaudio.js:

function wpaButtonCheck() {
if (!this.playState || this.paused)
    jQuery('#' + this.sID + '_play').attr('src', wpa_url + '/wpa_play.png');
    jQuery('#' + this.sID + '_play').attr('src', wpa_url + '/wpa_pause.png');


Here is the output:

<img src="" class="wpa_play" id="wpa0_play">

where wpa0 would be the sID of the sound I need.

My current script in init.js is:

    $('.mixesSidebar #currentSong .playBtn').toggle(function() {
    }, function() {

I need to change resumeAll to "resume(this.sID)", but I need to somehow store the sID onclick and call it in the above function.

Alternately, I think a regular expression that could get the class name of the current play button and either parse the string up to the "_play" or use a trim function to get rid of "_play"– but I'm not sure how to do this.

Thanks for your help!

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Solution 2

My solution was the following. Took out the string "+_play" in lines 33, 35, and 54 in wpaudio.js. Subsequently, the play button element for each mp3 has an ID attribute equal to it's soundmanager id. So I just created the following variable in my own .js:

$('.mixPlayCell a').click( function() {
     var songsId = $(this).find('img').attr('id');

When you click on the mp3 , this stores the sID in the variable songsId

I'd still like to know how to actually directly retrieve the sID without such a work-around...


I think what you need is .data() method that could store some extra data related to an element, so you don't have to parse class name, just add that sID to an img.

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