
So similar questions have been asked with not much of an answer....

I have a Stats Table related to a Branch table. The Stats records contain pc stats of a particular bank branch.



Here is my linq query...

var stats = from st in store.Stats
                        join b in store.Branches on st.BranchCode equals b.Brcd
                        select new

The issue is st and b have a LOT of fields, for now I guess I will type them all... but isn't there a solution to this? *Prevent the typing of all fields... something like a * wildcard?

Did try intersect however the types need to be the same!

Thanks Gideon

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var stats =
  from st in store.Stats 
  join b in store.Branches on st.BranchCode equals b.Brcd 
  select new 
    Stats = st,
    Branch = b

Creates anonymous instances with one Stats and one Branch.


var stats =
  from b in store.Branches
  join st in store.Stats 
    on b.Brcd equals st.BranchCode
    into branchstats
  select new 
    Branch = b
    Stats = branchstats

Creates anonymous instances with one Branch and its Stats.


var stats =
  from b in store.Branches
  select new 
    Branch = b
    Stats = b.Stats

Same as 2, If there's an association between the two types in the designer, then there's a relational property generated on each type.


DataLoadOptions dlo = new DataLoadOptions()
dlo.LoadWith<Branch>(b => b.Stats);
store.LoadOptions = dlo;

List<Branch> branches = store.Branches.ToList();

Here, DataLoadOptions are specified that automatically populate the Stats property when any Branch is loaded.

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