
In my app I need to add string vallues to the file(.property file, if it is important). and user enter this values in gwt GUI. Here is it's important part:

final Button submit = new Button("Submit");
        submit.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener<ButtonEvent>() {
            public void componentSelected(ButtonEvent ce) {
                if (keyWord.getValue() != null){
                    setKeyWord(customerId, keyWord.getValue());
                if (regexp.getValue() != null){
                    setRegExp(customerId, regexp.getValue());


    private void setKeyWord(final String customerId, final String keyword){

        final AsyncCallback<String> callbackItems = new AsyncCallback<String>() {
            public void onFailure(final Throwable caught) {
                Window.alert("unable to add " + caught.toString());

            public void onSuccess(final String x) {
        serverManagementSvc.setKeyWords(customerId, keyword, callbackItems);

    private void setRegExp(final String customerId, final String regexp){

        final AsyncCallback<String> calbackItems = new AsyncCallback<String>() {
            public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
                Window.alert("unable to add " + throwable.toString());

            public void onSuccess(String s) {
        serverManagementSvc.setRegExp(customerId, regexp, calbackItems);

So I need to use Asunccallback to call methods which are in the "server part". here are these methods:

//adds a new keyword to customers properties
    public String setKeyWords(String customer, String word){
                PropertiesConfiguration props = new PropertiesConfiguration("/home/mikhail/bzrrep/DLP/DLPServer/src/main/resources/");
                String newKeyWord = new String(props.getString("users." + customer + ".keywords" + "," + word));
                props.setProperty("users." + customer + ".keywords", newKeyWord);
        }catch (ConfigurationException e){
        return "keyword " + word + " added";

    // adds a new regexp to customer properties
    public String setRegExp(String customer, String regexp){
        try {
                PropertiesConfiguration props = new PropertiesConfiguration("/home/mikhail/bzrrep/DLP/DLPServer/src/main/resources/");
                String newRegValue = new String(props.getString("users." + customer + ".regexps" + "," + regexp));
                props.setProperty("users." + customer + ".regexps", newRegValue);
        } catch (ConfigurationException e){
        return "regexp " + regexp + " added to " + customer + "'s config";

all interfaces are present. when I run my code And press "submit" button in gui I see that both asynccallback failured(Window.alert, as you can see, shows "null pointer exception" despite of the fact that values which I send to methods are not null). why can it be? can you suggest me something?

UPD here is error which is shown by firebug:

uncaught exception: java.lang.ClassCastException    
function W8(){try{null.a()}catch(a){return a}} 
Was it helpful?


the problem is solved: there were a simple mistake in the code. I've closed brackets at the wrong place:

//adds a new keyword to customers properties
    public String setKeyWords(String customer, String word){
                PropertiesConfiguration props = new PropertiesConfiguration("/home/mikhail/bzrrep/DLP/DLPServer/src/main/resources/");
                String newKeyWord = new String(props.getString("users." + customer + ".keywords") + "," + word);
                props.setProperty("users." + customer + ".keywords", newKeyWord);
        }catch (ConfigurationException e){
        return "keyword " + word + " added";

    // adds a new regexp to customer properties
    public String setRegExp(String customer, String regexp){
        try {
                PropertiesConfiguration props = new PropertiesConfiguration("/home/mikhail/bzrrep/DLP/DLPServer/src/main/resources/");
                String newRegValue = new String(props.getString("users." + customer + ".regexps") + "," + regexp);
                props.setProperty("users." + customer + ".regexps", newRegValue);
        } catch (ConfigurationException e){
        return "regexp " + regexp + " added to " + customer + "'s config";


I recommend that you recompile the GWT code using -style PRETTY and then check that firebug output again; it may give you a better clue, compared to your updated uncaught exception.

Next, I suggest you run it in the eclipse debugger, and set breakpoints in both the client and server code, and then you can inspect the variables and step through the code.

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