
I am using a single JBoss deploy directory for multiple J2EE projects that I'm working on. (Note, I'm not looking for answers that tell me that I shouldn't be doing this.) I have written a scheduler service mbean that lives in the deploy directory, e.g., an XML file containing

    <mbean code= ... >
        <attribute ... >

That XML file only contains that one mbean tag in the server tag, so it would be sufficient to make JBoss ignore the entire XML file. That mbean is specific to one of my projects, so I'm looking for the simplest way to hide it from JBoss when I'm working on a different J2EE project.

Right now, I'm accomplishing this by commenting out the entire mbean tag inside of the file (manually). This is ugly. Other than moving the XML file out of the deploy directory, is there a better/cleaner/recommended way to do this?

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The cleanest solution that I can think of would be to create two configurations where one contained the mbean and the other didn't. Then you could just:

./ -c config_with_mbean


./ -c config_without_mbean

JBoss Documentation on alternative configurations.


You can configure different deployment directories for the same JBoss instance in the jboss-service.xml file. I usually like having my applications apart from the deploy folder. I've seen the "rm -rf *.ear" command too many times.

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