
How would one go about getting the z order (layer depth of ) all the JInternalFrames inside a JDesktopPane. There does not seem to be a straight forward way for this. Any ideas?

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Although I haven't tried this, the Container class (which is an ancestor of the JDesktopPane class) contains a getComponentZOrder method. By passing a Component which is in the Container, it will return the z-order of as an int. The Component with the lowest z-order value returned by the method is drawn last, in other words, is drawn on top.

Coupling with the JDesktopPane.getAllFrames method, which returns an array of JInternalFrames, I would think that one could obtain the z-order of the internal frames.


I've actually tried it out and it seems to work:

final JFrame f = new JFrame();

final JDesktopPane desktopPane = new JDesktopPane();
desktopPane.add(new JInternalFrame("1") {
        setSize(100, 100);
desktopPane.add(new JInternalFrame("2") {
        setSize(100, 100);
desktopPane.add(new JInternalFrame("3") {
    JButton b = new JButton("Get z-order");
        setSize(100, 100);
        b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                JInternalFrame[] iframes = desktopPane.getAllFrames();
                for (JInternalFrame iframe : iframes)
                    System.out.println(iframe + "\t" +

f.setLocation(100, 100);
f.setSize(400, 400);

In the above example, a JDesktopPane is populated with three JInternalFrames with the third one having a button which will output a list of JInternalFrames and its z-order to System.out.

An example output is the following:

JDesktopPaneTest$3[... tons of info on the frame ...]    0
JDesktopPaneTest$2[... tons of info on the frame ...]    1
JDesktopPaneTest$1[... tons of info on the frame ...]    2

The example uses a lot of anonymous inner classes just to keep the code short, but an actual program probably should not do that.

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