
I am using backtrace to get the information from where the exception is thrown. In the constructor of my exception, I am storing the backtrace in a std::string, and in the catch block for exceptions of this type, I am printing this backtrace.

But I was wondering, is it possible to somehow get the same backtrace in the catch block for other exception types?

Was it helpful?


I don't think so. When executons stops in catch block the stack is unwound, and all that has happened before is not in stack anymore.


You might be interested in a Boost library under development: Portable Backtrace. Example:

#include <boost/backtrace.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int foo()
    throw boost::runtime_error("My Error");
    return 10;

int bar()
    return foo()+20;

int main()
    try {
        std::cout << bar() << std::endl;
    catch(std::exception const &e)
        std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
        std::cerr << boost::trace(e);


My Error
0x403fe1: boost::stack_trace::trace(void**, int) + 0x1b in ./test_backtrace
0x405451: boost::backtrace::backtrace(unsigned long) + 0x65 in ./test_backtrace
0x4054d2: boost::runtime_error::runtime_error(std::string const&) + 0x32 in ./test_backtrace
0x40417e: foo() + 0x44 in ./test_backtrace
0x40425c: bar() + 0x9 in ./test_backtrace
0x404271: main + 0x10 in ./test_backtrace
0x7fd612ecd1a6: __libc_start_main + 0xe6 in /lib/
0x403b39: __gxx_personality_v0 + 0x99 in ./test_backtrace

Hope this helps!

Do the classes in question share a common base you can edit?

Otherwise, I provided a wonderful but terribly underappreciated answer at How can some code be run each time an exception is thrown in a Visual C++ program? ;-P Some others opined too.

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