
While I iterating through ObjectStateEntries I expected [t] variable name will be MY_ENTITY

foreach (ObjectStateEntry entry in context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Deleted))
    Type t = entry.Entity.GetType();

but real I have


How can I determine can I cast current entry to MY_ENTITY type?

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You can get the original entity type of a proxy type by


This is a static method of ObjectContext, so you can readily use in in a DbContext environment.

If for some reason you need the actual entity as its original type you can use the pattern

var entity = entry.Entity as MyEntity;
if (entity != null)

This is slightly more efficient than

if (entry.Entity is MyEntity)
    var entity = (MyEntity)entry.Entity;

because the latter snippet casts the object twice.


You can use

Type t = entry.Entity.GetType().BaseType;



But the second way is a better way from my point of view. If you call Type() request inside a Mapper method, for example DTO mapper (from entity object to DTO class or from in-memory objects to DTO class), ObjectContext.GetObjectType(..) will grant you always the expected result contrary to what will .GetType().BaseType

For example, if you use a TPT (Table per Type) strategy for EF Entity Model, call BaseType() on in-memory object will return the base class in hierarchy contrary to what will ObjectContext.GetObjectType(..)

enter image description here

Another way is to access the BaseType property of the returned proxy type:

Type t = entry.Entity.GetType().BaseType;
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