
I'm looking to deploy applications to my own cloud server as simply as it can be done to Heroku, is Micro Cloud Foundry a viable way to do this?

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It's depends of your needs.

Method 1

If you need your own instance of CloudFoundry you can download the micro instance and use it as your private PaaS. It's a simple Ubuntu VM with services on it.


  • You can deploy it on any public or private cloud you want.
  • Cheap to run and use.


  • Not all features will be available
  • You will max out your VM quickly

Method 2

You can purchase CloudFoundry as service from Pivotal or AppFog. Pros and Cons are the same for these services as rolling your own.

Method 3

You can deploy the full CloudFoundry instance on top of your favorite IaaS platform (Amazon, WMWare, OpenStack).


  • All power and control in your hands


  • Can be difficult to install (I have no success with CF v2.0)
  • Can be expensive to run


I can't tell you about micro cloud foundry, but you might also want to check out dokku-alt. It's basically a self-hosted heroku like set up.

Fire up a virtual machine somewhere running Ubuntu 14.04 for the host environment. Log in and run the Dokku-alt installer script, start pushing apps up by git. Plus a few commands forthings like adding volumes and databases. It's remarkably easy.

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