
I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my personal laptop and wanted to set up my development environment on this.

I see that when i run the command

Installed SUN JDK through synaptic package manager and executed this command:

sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun

But when i run the command which java

the output displayed is


How do i make sure that it is Sun JDK and not OpenJDK (which was installed in ubuntu by default)

My only concern is :

I want only SUN JDK to be used for all purposes. I do not want OpenJDK..

Thanks in Advance..

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You can config the used JavaVM with:

sudo update-alternatives --config java

Or you just remove all open-jdk packages.


You can see java version via

java -version

Correct me if I'm wrong...

I think you can run echo $PATH and it'd give you the list of directories in exact order they're supposed to be scanned when the system trying to run the command.

So, I can see several options to resolve:

  1. If your default java version is wrong, just remove it and install the correct one.
  2. If you need several versions of java by any reason, you can:

    1. modify your PATH environment making your new java path with higher priority. I.g.:

      export PATH=/usr/java_xyz/bin:$PATH
    2. Set your JAVA_HOME environment pointing to new java and make your calls with something like:

      $JAVA_HOME/bin/java blablabla.class
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