
I'm using js/html/node-webkit to build standalone app and have an issue with loading js files. Files tree:

|      |-additionals/
|      |            |-jquery.form.js
|      |-bootstrap/
|      |          |-js/
|      |          |   |-boostrap.min.js
|      |-CatalogSmall.js
|      |-jquery.js
|      |-main.js
|      |-parse2.js

My index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <script type="text/javascript" data-main="index.js" src="require.js"></script>

My index.js

var appDir = "/home/user/p1";
    baseUrl: appDir,
        files: "files_",
        bootstrap: "files_/bootstrap/js",
        additionals: "files_/additionals",
        jui: "jui"


[ "files_/jquery" ],
function ()
        function ()
//some code
requirejs.config({ waitSeconds: 180 });
    function ()
            function ()
                //some code

CatalogSmall is a huge file in json-style

So, if I load my sripts directly from index.html there is no errors, but if I try to load them via requirejs, I have an error "Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: files/CatalogSmall" after 180 secs. Have no idea how to fix it.

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var appDir = "/home/user/p1";

You don't have local access to files anyway, what is the point of this line? The appDir option is for the case that all your code in within a subfolder below your index.js. In this case you don't need it.

files: "files_",

This makes no sense as well. The paths object contains only module paths, not folder paths.

The options are documented here.

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