
I have some Java code that validates XML against an XSD. I am using a modified version of the Error Handler found here: to catch and log ALL exceptions while validating.

The errors are very terse, they look something like this:{"":txn}

Other messages such as{"":sequence}

are even more cryptic.

Is there an easy way to get a clear and intelligible message out of SAX explaining what went wrong here? I think in the first error it was expecting txn and instead found the element cID. BUT... I don't know all the possible errors that might be generated by SAX so I'd rather not try to manually create a translation table.

The eventual users of this output are mostly non-technical so I need to be able generate simple and clear messages such as "element txn was out of sequence".

If it helps, here's the code (more or less) that's used for validation:

Source schema1 = new StreamSource(new File("resources/schema1.xsd"));
Source schema2 = new StreamSource(new File("resources/schema2.xsd"));
Source[] sources = {schema1,schema2};
validator = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI).newSchema(sources).newValidator();
ErrorHandler lenient = new ForgivingErrorHandler();


StreamSource xmlSource = new StreamSource(new StringReader(XMLData) );
catch (SAXException e)
    logger.error("XML Validation Error: ",e);
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Well, it seems I had to add xsi:schemaLocation=" resources/schema1.xsd " to the XML document, because s: is the default namespace: xmlns="s:". Of course, I don't have access to modify the tool that generates the XML, so the following ugly hack was necessary:

xmlDataStr = xmlDataStr.replace("<rootNode ", "<rootNode xsi:schemaLocation=\" resources/schema1.xsd \" ");

...of course now I'm getting double validation errors! A clear and intelligible one such as:

cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 's:cID'. One of '{"":tdr}' is expected.

Immediately followed by:{"":tdr}

The double-error is annoying but at least the first one is usable...

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