
Hey i have a model that can be accesed through 2 different urls(depending on the domain). And i use them like this in views and templates without problems.

When building the sitemap the get_absolute_url should not return the same so i thought: i can subclass the model and override the get_absolute_url method:

class FanpitConcert(BandtasticConcert):
    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return ('event_checkout',(),{'artist_slug':self.slug_name,
                                     'year': self.get_date().year,
                                     'month': self.get_date().month,
                                     'day': self.get_date().day,
    class Meta:
        abstract = True

And then use this subclassed model for the sitemap class

class ConcertsSiteMap(Sitemap):
    def items(self):
        return FanpitConcert.objects.all().filter(app='Fanpit')

But when i access /sitemap.xml django still calling the get_absolute_url from the original model

Is there any dark magic django is doing here? or Am i missing something obvious?


I tried removing the abstract = True part and went with class Meta: db_table = 'same_table_as_base_model'

But now django complains about not finding columns.

Was it helpful?


Instead of abstraction, it would be better to use proxy models in this case.

So the subclassed models would have

class Meta:
    proxy = True

More info on proxy models here.

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