
I'm new to Jena and Owl I was given an ontology. I can open it with Protege 4.2 without any problems but when I try to open it with Jena I get: Exception in thread "main" org.apache.jena.riot.RiotException: {E201} Multiple children of property element.

I have been looking a bit in my Ontology what it could be and I have noticed that some elements have more than one Label in a language for example:

    <AnnotationProperty abbreviatedIRI="rdfs:label"/>
    <Literal xml:lang="no" datatypeIRI="&rdf;PlainLiteral">Sukralfat</Literal>
    <AnnotationProperty abbreviatedIRI="rdfs:label"/>
    <Literal xml:lang="no" datatypeIRI="&rdf;PlainLiteral">antepsin</Literal>
    <AnnotationProperty abbreviatedIRI="rdfs:label"/>
    <Literal datatypeIRI="&xsd;string">sucralfate</Literal>
    <AnnotationProperty abbreviatedIRI="rdfs:label"/>
    <Literal xml:lang="no" datatypeIRI="&rdf;PlainLiteral">sukralfat</Literal>

Could this cause the problem? All the code I use works with other ontologies so I think it really comes from this ontology. Do you know what could cause this exception?


So I got down to a minimized case and still get the same error:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE Ontology [
    <!ENTITY xsd "" >
    <!ENTITY xml "" >
    <!ENTITY rdfs "" >
    <!ENTITY rdf "" >

<Ontology xmlns=""
    <Prefix name="" IRI=""/>
    <Prefix name="atc" IRI=""/>
    <Prefix name="owl" IRI=""/>
    <Prefix name="rdf" IRI=""/>
    <Prefix name="xml" IRI=""/>
    <Prefix name="xsd" IRI=""/>
    <Prefix name="rdfs" IRI=""/>
        <Class abbreviatedIRI="atc:J"/>
        <AnnotationProperty abbreviatedIRI="rdfs:label"/>
        <Literal datatypeIRI="&xsd;string">ANTIINFECTIVES FOR SYSTEMIC USE</Literal>

Here is the java code:

InputStream in = FileManager.get().open(filename);
if (in == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("File: " + filename + " not found");
model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM);, null);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
    System.err.println("Couldn't close the inputStream");

Does this help? I really don't have any idea anymore...

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That's an OWL2 XML formatted file. Jena does't support that format, but it does support OWL in RDF/XML.

In other words it's expecting the wrong flavour of XML and getting confused.

Try saving it in another format.

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