
I have animated SVG using SMIL. However I would need to export to other formats.

Do you know any program that would convert animated SVG to SWF, GIF, AVI (or any other video format)?

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This conversion is easy with ffmpeg in two steps.

Step 1: Generate a movie from your screen.

  1. Open your animated SVG in Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer.
  2. Use this command in a terminal:

    ffmpeg -s 1440x640 -r 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -b 6000k out.avi


    • -s specify the format of your animation (here 1440x640 px).
    • -r the frames per seconds (Here 25).
    • -f the selection of your screen.
    • -b the quality (6000k is good quality).
    • out.avi name and format of the file.
  3. Now watch your animation in full screen mode (F11). If your animation is looped it's better.

  4. Stop the recording (Ctrl + C)

Step 2: Save only the interesting part

Use this command in a terminal:

ffmpeg -i out.avi -b 6000k -r 25 -t "00:00:10" -ss "00:00:09" "final.avi"


  • -i the file to cut.
  • -b the quality.
  • -r the frame rate.
  • -t the duration of recording (Here 10s).
  • -ss the recording start (Here at 9s).
  • final.avi the output fil.

Now you have an .avi file

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