
I'm using the following technique to set a wild-card cookie for our domain:

cookies['root_domain_flash_warning'] = {
  'value' => 'mistakes have been made!',
  'domain' => ".#{APP_DOMAIN}",
  'expires' => 2.minutes.from_now

Which seems to work handily. Unfortunately I can't seem to look up anything but the value associated with the 'value' key in the hash passed to CookieJar#[]= because of the fact that CookieJar#[] doesn't actually return the options hash passed to its reciprocal method.

Does anyone know of a way of verifying the domain a cookie has been set for in a functional test?

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You could check the value of the Set-Cookie header which can be accessed in @response.headers['Set-Cookie'].

Try something along these lines:

def test_something
  get '/my_action'
  assert_equal ["root_domain_flash_warning=mistakes+have+been+made!;; path=/; expires=Fri, 07-Aug-2009 11:42:21 GMT"], @response.headers['Set-Cookie']

You can't extract these values from the cookies method, unfortunately. In the ActionController::Integration::Session#process source (actionpack/lib/action_controller/integration.rb), the integration test cookies are processes as below, which only extracts the value part of the input hash:

(@headers['Set-Cookie'] || "").split("\n").each do |cookie|
  name, value = cookie.match(/^([^=]*)=([^;]*);/)[1,2]
  @cookies[name] = value
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