
Here's one that's driving me crazy:

I have recently started looking into Appcelerator Titanium. I have built a few small apps both with a normal project and using Alloy so I understand the basics at least.

One thing I just cannot get working is the i18n folder/files.

Here is what ive done: - Create a "Default Project" - add folder to root directory "i18n" - add "en" and "es" folder to "i18n" - add "strings.xml" to both those new folders. - added:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <string name="welcome_message">Welcome TEST</string>

to both the strings.xml, except in the es strings I put "ES Welcome TEST". - In Resources -> app.js I changed "I am Window 1" to L('welcome_message') - Ran the application

Both the normal and alloy versions just show a blank screen. I would like to get my alloy app working the most but from what I understand the localization code should work the same in both apps. In alloy I may just have to put it in the style.

Any pointers would be great! I have looked at other post claiming its not working but all of them were either syntax errors or just set it up wrong. I have copied their code and have the exact same issue with it not working so I have a feeling im missing a newbie step.

-- Here are some screenshots, I just created a brand new regular(not alloy) project, added the code above and try to use L('welcome_message') to no luck. I tried installing everything on a new PC to make sure I wasn't messing anything up on my main computer. enter image description here enter image description here

Was it helpful?


Heres the answer:

Ends up by default your manifest file is not setup by default to allow localization UNLESS you choose a tabbed project.

Kinda silly if you ask me.


For the topic poster:

My new string.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <string name="welcome_message">Don't Help Austin</string>
    <string name="user_agent_message">user agent set to</string>
    <string name="format_test">Your name is %s</string>
    <string name="base_ui_title">Base UI</string>
    <string name="controls_win_title">Controls</string>
    <string name="phone_win_title">Phone</string>
    <string name="platform_win_title">Platform</string>
    <string name="mashups_win_title">Mashups</string>
    <string name="ordered">Hi %1$s, my name is %2$s</string>

Screenshot of my non-Alloy experiment:

enter image description here

For those looking to answer the question in the topic, this is a possible answer below.

My i18n folder is on the same hierarchy level as app and plugins, so mine isn't inside the app folder like the rest of the Alloy resources.


    <Window class="container">
        <Label id="label" onClick="doClick"></Label>


".container": {
"Label": {
    width: Ti.UI.SIZE,
    height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
    color: "#000",
    text: L("welcome_message")


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <string name="welcome_message">Welcome to Kitchen Sink for Titanium</string>
    <string name="user_agent_message">user agent set to</string>
    <string name="format_test">Your name is %s</string>
    <string name="base_ui_title">Base UI</string>
    <string name="controls_win_title">Controls</string>
    <string name="phone_win_title">Phone</string>
    <string name="platform_win_title">Platform</string>
    <string name="mashups_win_title">Mashups</string>
    <string name="ordered">Hi %1$s, my name is %2$s</string>

When I placed the L("welcome_message") inside the index.xml, it didn't work.

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