
When I perform a get_authorize_url request to facebook, I am redirected to the following URL (seen in the browser):

But I am unable to obtain this access_token in flask: it is not in request.args, it is not in request.query_string, it is not even there in request.url. Maybe flask is having trouble with the # character? How can I access that query parameter?

This is the relevant part of my code (derived from the rauth facebook-cli example):

# rauth OAuth 2.0 service wrapper
graph_url = ''
facebook = OAuth2Service(name='facebook',
                         access_token_url=graph_url + 'oauth/access_token',


def login():
    redirect_uri = url_for('authorized', _external=True)
    params = {'scope': 'read_stream',
              'response_type': 'token',
              'redirect_uri': redirect_uri}
    return redirect(facebook.get_authorize_url(**params))

def authorized():
    # I am not able to find the access_token
    print dir(request)
    print request.args
    print request.query_string
    print request.url

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Solution 2

The part of URI marked by '#' is called fragment identifier. It is not transmitted to the server and can be processed on client side only, by JS, for example.


If you follow the Facebook Flask example and use the code response, there's no need for any JavaScript. In fact in general that is not a requirement for OAuth consumers.

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