
Im trying to consume this webservice: from another wsdl... Dont worry for that, im just tryng to make some kind of bridge to test the webservice call with not logic at all, so, the flow that i need is something like that

cxf:jaxws-service --- > Java bean ----> externalWebservice

The problem is that i cant find how to call through my java impl class the external webservice, i need to inject that in my bean but i cant find how to do it. ACtualy my flow is this:

    <flow name="soapservice" doc:name="soapservice">
        <http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response"
            address="http://localhost:60603/Hello" doc:name="HTTP" />
        <cxf:jaxws-service serviceClass="org.example.HelloWorld"
            doc:name="SOAP" />
        <component class="org.example.HelloWorldImpl" doc:name="Java" />

Everything works fine, the service returns the entry parameter, but i need to retrieve some data from the Weather Webservice. Somebody can help me to consume that webservice with CXF?


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For this, the best is to create another flow with a request-response VM inbound and a CXF client to consume the remote web service. The following explains how to generate the CXF client:

Then you can inject this other flow in your component via Component Bindings (see: That way org.example.HelloWorldImpl will have the possibility to call the remote web service via an interface call that behind the scene calls a flow that performs the CXF client interaction.

So in your case, assuming:

  • the CXF-generated service interface is com.cdyne.wsf.WeatherWS,
  • the method you're interested in is getCityWeatherByZip,
  • the CXF-generate service client is com.cdyne.wsf.WeatherWS_Service,
  • the org.example.HelloWorld class can receive an instance of com.cdyne.wsf.WeatherWS by injection

you would have something similar to:

<flow name="soapservice">
    <http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response"
        address="http://localhost:60603/Hello" />
    <cxf:jaxws-service serviceClass="org.example.HelloWorld" />
    <component class="org.example.HelloWorldImpl">
        <binding interface="com.cdyne.wsf.WeatherWS"
            <vm:outbound-endpoint path="callGetCityWeatherByZip"
                exchange-pattern="request-response" />

<flow name="getCityWeatherByZip">
    <vm:inbound-endpoint path="callGetCityWeatherByZip"
        exchange-pattern="request-response" />

        port="WeatherSoap" operation="GetCityWeatherByZip" />

        exchange-pattern="request-response" />
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