
i downloaded latest version of social engine(v 4.0) , and im gonna install on my local computer. i'm using Xampp. in Step3 of installation process (setup mysql database) i got this error :

"Please fill in the MySQL Password."

my Mysql Host : localhost
Mysql Username : root
Mysql Password : 

i mean my mysql password is NULL,how can i solve this problem without changing my Mysql Password? because i have so many projects in my local which i can't change any of them easily!!!!!

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You'll probably have to edit the install script and remove the validation for the mysql password.


Open "install/forms/DbInfo.php".

Go to the line 100 and 101. It will be something similar to this.

097.    // init password
098.    $this->addElement('Password', 'password', array(
099.      'label' => 'MySQL Password:',
100.      'required' => true,
101.      'allowEmpty' => false,
102.      'validators' => array(
103.        array('NotEmpty', true),
104.      ),
105.    ));

now this should be changed to;

100.      'required' => false,
101.      'allowEmpty' => true,

Found here!!

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