How to get a SQLAlchemy session managed by zope.transaction that has the same scope as a http request but that does not close automatically on commit?



I have a Pyramid web application with some form pages that reads data from database and write to it as well.

The application uses SQLAlchemy with a PostgreSQL database and here is how I setup the SQLAlchemy session:

from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from zope.sqlalchemy import ZopeTransactionExtension

DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))

When I process a form, I need to perform an explicit commit surrounded in a try and see if the commit worked. I need this explicit commit because I have deferrable triggers in the PostgreSQL database (checks that are performed at commit time) and there are some cases where the absence of error is not predictable.

Once I successfully committed a transaction, for example adding an instance of MyClass, I would like to get some attributes on this instance and also some attributes on linked instances. Indeed, I cannot get those data before committing because they are computed by the database itself.

My problem is that, when I use transaction.commit() (in transaction package) the session is automatically closed and I cannot use the instance anymore because it is in Detached state. Documentation confirms this point.

So, as mentioned in the documentation, I tried to use the following session setup instead:

DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension(keep_session=True)))

However, now the session scope is not the same as the http request scope anymore : no ROLLBACK is sent at the end of my http requests that just perform read queries.

So, is there a way to have a session that have the same scope as the http request but that does not close automatically on commit?

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You can detach the session from the request via the keep_session=True on the ZTE. However, you probably also want to use the objects after the session is committed if this is the case, otherwise you'd be happy with a new session. Thus, you'll also want expire_on_commit=False on your session. After that, you've successfully detached the session from the lifecycle of pyramid_tm and you can commit/abort as you please. So how do we reattach it back to the request lifecycle without using pyramid_tm? Well, if you wrap your DBSession in something that's a little less global which will make it more manageable as a request-scoped variable, that'd help. From there, it's obvious when the session is created, and when it should be destroyed via a request-finished callback. Here's a summary of my prose:

def get_db(request):
    session = request.registry['db_session_factory']()
    def _closer(request):
    return session

def main(global_conf, **settings):
    config = Configurator()

    DBSession = sessionmaker(expire_on_commit=False, extension=ZopeTransactionExtension(keep_session=True))
    # look we don't even need a scoped_session anymore because it's not global, it's local to the request!

    config.registry['db_session_factory'] = DBSession

    config.add_request_method('db', get_db, reify=True)

def myview(request):
    db = request.db # creates, or reuses the session created for this request
    model = db.query(MyModel).first();
    # model is still valid here
    return {}

Of course, if we're doing all this, the ZTE may not be helping you at all and you just want to use db.commit() and handle things yourself. The finished callbacks will still be invoked if an exception occurs, so you don't need pyramid_tm to cleanup after you.

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